Accommodations for ACT & SAT

Questions Concerning Accommodations

Is there a test that is better suited to a student with ADHD?

Yes! The ACT because it has fewer inferential questions than the SAT; the one factor that makes the ACT difficult is the timing, which is eliminated with accommodations for extended-test timing.

My child has ADHD or another learning difference; how do I get them extended time? How long does it take to get approval?

Students must be on record as needing/receiving accommodations from their school and have a diagnosis (learning assessment or neuropsych report).

For the College Board, if a student has accommodations in place at their high school, then ask the high school learning resource counselor to apply for accommodations from the College Board. Your student will receive similar accommodations for all College Board-administered tests:  PSAT, SAT, and AP Tests.

For the ACT, students with accommodations in place at their school will need to register for an ACT, select ‘Requesting Test Accommodations’ in the registration process on the ACT website, and then the ACT will send your school the appropriate paperwork to apply for ACT accommodations.

Apply for accommodations for BOTH the SAT and ACTs; because by getting College Board accommodations, it will apply toward the AP, which is very helpful even if your student is just taking the ACT.


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